Amphibians and Reptiles

Thirty-four species of amphibians and reptiles are found on Olympus, namely 10 amphibian species and 24 reptile species, according to the latest data for the area12,7,8. Medium and low altitudes are inhabited by tortoises (Testudo hermannii, Testudo marginata), snakes (Zamenis longissimus, Coronella austriaca, Vipera ammodytes, Natrix tessellata, Zamenis situla, Elaphe quatorlineata, Malpolon insignitus), newts (Triturus macedonicus, Triturus vulgaris), frogs (Rana dalmatina, Rana graeca, Pelophylax kurtmuelleri, Hyla arborea), toads (Bombina variegata, Bufo bufo, Bufotes viridis) and lizards (Ablepharus kitaibelli, Pseudopus apodus, Podarcis muralis, Lacerta viridis). Among them, 25 species are listed in the Habitat’s Directive Annexes.


Amphibians & Reptiles protected under EU Directive 92/43/EEC

1Ablepharus kitaibeliiEuropean copper skinkIV
2Bombina variegataYellow-bellied toadΙΙ
3Bufotes viridisEuropean green toadIV
4Coronella austriacaSmooth snakeIV
5Dolichophis caspiusCaspian whipsnakeIV
6Elaphe quatuorlineataFour-lined snakeΙΙ
7Hierophis gemonensisBalkan whipsnakeIV
8Hyla arboreaEuropean tree frogIV
9Lacerta trilineataBalkan green lizardIV
10Lacerta viridisEuropean green lizardIV
11Mediodactylus kotschyi Kotschyi’s geckoIV
12Natrix tessellataDice snakeIV
13Platyceps najadumDahl’s whipsnakeIV
14Podarcis erhardiiErhard’s wall lizardIV
15Podarcis muralisCommon wall lizardIV
16Podarcis tauricusBalkan wall lizardIV
17Pseudopus apodusEuropean glass lizardIV
18Rana dalmatinaAgile frogIV
19Rana graecaGreek stream frogIV
20Telescopus fallaxEuropean cat snakeIV
26Testudo hermaniiHermann’s tortoiseΙΙ
21Testudo marginataEmarginated tortoiseΙΙ
22Triturus macedonicusMacedonian crested newtΙΙ
23Vipera ammodytesHorned viperIV
24Zamenis longissimusAesculapian snakeIV
25Zamenis situlaEuropean ratsnake or leopard snakeΙΙ